Monday, April 14, 2008

Thing 22- What did I learn today?

At the moment the last two plus months seem like a blur. I've basically completed the 23 things program and explored so many tools as well as helped others with them. Not to mention reading everyone's blogs. Aside from feeling rushed, it was a very good experience.

The structured program gave me a bit of direction in my explorations of new things and a reason to try them out. I found many tools that were useful and fun and surprisingly easy to use, not to mention free just for signing up. Most of them add some convenience to my use of existing tools. I added to my knowledge of available resources and found some ways to keep up and explore for more that were great. (Think for one.) Particularly useful and appreciated tools were RSS feeds and Zotero. And the blog reading was time consuming but worthwhile. If everyone keeps up with their blogs and shares what they find and what they need, it will be a wonderful resource for regional planning to give them what they want.

I most enjoyed the photo sharing and graphics tools and know I just scratched the surface of what is available. I sure wish I'd had some of those tools, so easy to use and readily available free, when I was working as a public library director. The possibilities for library promotional use are just endless.

I resolve to continue my explorations, share what I find via my blog, and think of ways I can use them professionally.

What did I learn?
  • It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do these things.
  • It doesn't take as long as you might think.
  • If you don't like it, try something else.
  • We're all learning and we can help each other. All you need to do is ask.
  • Learning can be as fun as you make it.
  • Exploring new tools is a necessary part of this job; don't feel guilty for taking the time to do it!
  • From the great response to the program, the multitypes have found a niche for which there is a demand and should consider doing more of this type of learning program.


momlasley said...

That book is so cool!! I hope I can figure that one out.
Are you the Linda who added me on Facebook?

Linda said...

If you're the Nett Lake Kathy, yes I added you on Facebook. It's the flip book at PictureTrail. I should have put more images in it, but I just wanted to see how it would work.